The Dragon Vortex

Dragons, Vampires & the Primordial Vortex

The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the “circle of life.” In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others — the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the “Mother of all symbols”. Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being’s internal logic, is raw Feminine power.

Originally creator god-kings and queens, Dragons became the model of sovereignty for later human rulers. The Dragon King was known as the King of Kings and his symbol, the “central” constellation Draco, represented his succession. Dragon ancestry traces through the proto-Scythians, Sumerians, Egyptian pharaohs, the Egyptian Therapeutae, the Qumran Essenes to the Royal Ashinas of Eurasia and Merovingian kings of Europe. The Merovingians trace their kingly succession to the original Dragon King, which was Cain. The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon was chosen by a Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms. The Druidic Pendragon was passed on to the Merovingian kings.

The Dragons were called “rulers” because they knew the mystery of ancient metrology. Metrology was the basis for development of both philosophic and scientific attitudes. The divine order of the universe was the central idea of the ancient world, and all belief-systems were enmeshed with it. Metrology provided the foundation of the systematic rational vision of the world.

Cosmic order embodied in metrology was the fundamental aspect of ancient thought. Number mysticism and alphanumerics was the essential basis of knowledge. Ancient religions emphasized astrological elements, which defined precessional ages from Taurus yo Pisces, through today’s imminent Age of Aquarius. Ancient state temples functioned as permanent repositories of standards of measures. Gods, (to whom the temples were dedicated) had characteristic numbers, from which they were indistinguishable.

Only god-kings who claimed the Mandate of Heaven were considered emperors in Asia. Anunnaki means “Sons of the Heavenly Prince”, according to Prof. Tenney of the Sumerian Dictionary Project. Nicholas de Vere claims the Grail bloodline arose in an antediluvian civilization, with a super-human, red-haired race of Grail kings that conquered and ruled over the ancient world, with tribes on each continent. It provided the royal houses which guided the destiny of civilization.

The Dragons were overseers, “navigators”, directing the affairs of the world with transcendent wisdom inherent in their blood. Religion relates life choices to divine models, while Mythology creates narratives that contextualize experience by relating a history that took place in Primordial Time. Creation stories relate to what is sacred in a society.

Jung states that both myth and science reveal truths, however mythic realities are understood in a different method than scientific truths. He also states that both myths and the elemental world are naturally occurring phenomena. In many instances mythology and religion function simultaneously. However, a major distinction between the two traditions is that mythology is defined as an adaptive narration, while dogmatic perspective restricts religion to a lived mythic model. As a lived mythology, religion is a lens or paradigm through which to view the world.

Specific examples of the relationship between myth and religion are better understood through the narratives surrounding the mystic arts, such as Qabalah, Magick, and Alchemy. The science-art of alchemy metaphorically relates physical phenomenon to the sacred, uniting objective and subjective apprehension. It generates and regenerates myth and symbolic experience.

The residue of the alchemical tradition is found in science, mythology, religion, art, literature, psychology, politics, and multidisciplinary intellectual thought and cultural experience. Symbols and models are employed by them all, and the nondual Vortex, or “First Swirlings” (Primum Mobile) is the prime symbol — the commencement of whirling motions of pure potential. As the root of existence, this primal Glory is the Light-giving power of comprehension of the First Principle. In Qabalah, Kether — the Crown of Creation — stands for the Fount of Creation, welling up from the depths of the Great Unmanifest. This Crown is reflected on Earth in the royal crowned head. Metaphor and matter merge in the vortex and in the hereditary ruler.

The idea of reincarnation, or transmigration of souls, known as ‘gilgul’ (meaning revolving or swirling) was integral to Qabalistic belief, an ancient oral tradition first published in the Bahirin the late thirteenth century. In Qabalah, the heaven of Kether is called Rashith ha-Gilgalim (the first swirlings). The soul aspires to its highest aspect, the Yechidah, seeking to elevate the lower aspects so they may be united with the highest and then re-merge with the ultimate divine. The Dragon god-kings were exemplars of this process of “uniting Heaven and Earth”.

Speaking of rebirth, Tibetan Buddhism suggests that the third bardo consists of a series of images determined by the soul’s karma that lead to psychic vortices that draw the soul into a womb. The soul’s reaction to the images (attraction or repulsion) determines which vortex the soul enters and in which womb the soul ends up. The Tibetan tradition gives detailed advice on which representations to choose and which to avoid in order to gain a desirable rebirth.

A dragon glyph, the Crux Dissimulata — an ancient swastika — symbolized the four winds or directions and their corresponding spirits. It was also an Asian and Germanic fire and sun symbol. The cross inscribed in a circle mediates between the square and the circle, emphasizing the “joining of heaven and earth” and “the perfected human being”. It encodes dynamic dragon energy in minimal graphic form.

Thus, the Dragon Tradition is a meta-mythology, resonating through history, woven by metaphor to give lived experience a universal purpose. A Ruler with royal ancestry is deified as King or Queen, dependent on gender. In Sumerian culture ‘kingship’ was identical with ‘kinship’ – and ‘kin’ means ‘blood relative’. In its original form, ‘kinship’ was ‘Kainship’. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical ‘C(Kain)’, head of the Sumerian House of Kish. A Ruler without royal ancestry may also be called an Overlord. The Sumerian word for ruler, “excellence” is lugal, which etymologically means “big person.” Vampire or oupere is Old European and uber is Turkish and thus from Upari, we discover that originally Uber – Vampire – meant Overlord.

Dragon Civilization did not begin in Sumeria. Far older societies have been revealed in Transylvania and Central Asia. Such terms originally arose in Paleolithic Transylviania (Central Balkans). According to Nicholas de Vere, the term for a witch was Uber meaning Overlord. In practical terms and suggested by the term “uber” itself, a Scythian druid was an overlord, and so originally a vampire was an overlord. A guardian – a “Watcher” – is an overseer, and from this meaning we obtain the Scythian word uber, meaning a vampire or Overlord. By association, we also obtain from “watcher” the word Nefilim, which relates to the Anunnagi or Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki descended from thousands of unknown years of human culture in Old Europe, prior to the Mesopotamian flowering (Gimbutas; Eisler, 1988) of the cult of the serpent-dragon sun. Between 7000-3500 B.C.E. the early Europeans (Vinca, Varna, Butmir, Petresti, Cucuteni, Kurgan, etc.) developed a complex social organization involving craft specialization. Spiral motifs and meanders adorned their Neolithic to post-glacial pottery.

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~ by ionamiller on October 14, 2011.

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