In the Shadow of the Counterculture Revolution


The shadow of the social revolution still casts its long shadow back from the future. The 60s were a topsy-turvy time where nearly every aspect of society was converted into its opposite, precisely according to the blueprint of the Tavistock Agenda and the machinations of its allies — CIA, RAND and SRI. Together they created an ersatz utopia with a heavy dark side much like Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World. It is the forerunner of the New Age and Conspiracy cultures. Counterculture and subculture became new buzzwords which sprung up like Flower Children to describe the morphing social landscape.

“…Within the next generation I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience. In other words, I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World.” –From a letter to George Orwell, dated 21 October 1949; from Letters of Aldous Huxley, ed. Grover Smith; Harper & Row, 1969.


The “Case Officer” for Britain’s Opium War was Aldous Huxley. He spearheaded Tavistock’s plan for pharmaceutical control with LSD’s mindbending results which led to the counterculture, the dialectical response to culture on the way to a totally controlled society. Those who thought they were creating a new society were unwittingly “sleeping with the enemy” by essentially brainwashing themselves and paying for the priviledge with their hearts and minds.

Thus, Tavistock channeled and directed youth dissent and rebellion, and disabled the anti-war movement. Youth culture became distracted and disengaged from practical reality and political activism. The revolution was definitely not televised but it was psychoelectric shock treatment.The movement was induced from the top down via CIA-Tavistock agendas. Socially-engineered ‘hippies’ dropped out of the sociopolitical loop. Psychotropic warfare came to the homefront.

In 1936 Aldous Huxley wrote “Propaganda and Pharmacology” – a more detailed prediction of mind-control drug technology than the “soma” found in his 1932 novel “Brave New World”. Huxley predicted: The propagandists of the future will probably be chemists and physiologists as well as writers.” Moksha – Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience 1931-1963″ Aldous Huxley, Penguin, 1983, p.38

LSD came to America in 1949. Viennese doctor, Otto Kauders traveled to the United States in search of research funds. He gave a conference at Boston Psychopathic Hospital, a pioneering mental-health institution affiliated with Harvard Medical School. He spoke about a new experimental drug called d-lysergic acid diethylamide.

Humphry Osmond was at the cutting edge of psychiatric research in the 1950s. He believed that hallucinogenic drugs might be useful in treating mental illness and he studied the effects of LSD on people with alcohol dependency. His investigations led to his association with the novelist Aldous Huxley and to involvement with the CIA and MI6, which were interested in LSD as a possible “truth drug” to make enemy agents reveal secrets.

Osmond sought a name for the effect that LSD has on the mind, consulting the novelist Aldous Huxley who was interested in these drugs. Osmond and Huxley had become friends and Osmond gave him mescaline in 1953. Huxley suggested “phanerothyme,” from the Greek words for “to show” and “spirit,” and sent a rhyme: “To make this mundane world sublime, Take half a gram of phanerothyme.” Instead, Osmond chose “psychedelic,” from the Greek words psyche (for mind or soul) and deloun (for show), and suggested, “To fathom Hell or soar angelic/Just take a pinch of psychedelic.” He announced it at the New York Academy of Sciences meeting in 1957.

Huxley was Tavistock’s main propagandist and recruiter. Huxley first tried LSD in 1955. He got it from “Captain” Al Hubbard, rumored to have connections with CIA’s MK Ultra program. In a 1961 handwritten letter from Aldous Huxley to Timothy Leary, Huxley mentions meeting Dr. “Jolly” West, a CIA MK-ULTRA operative. Huxley goes on to note that: “You are right about the hopelessness of the “Scientific” approach. These idiots want to be Pavlovians, not Lorenzian Ethnologists. Pavlov never saw an animal in its natural state, only under duress. The “Scientific” LSD boys do the same with their subjects. No wonder they report psychoses.”

Timothy Leary consulted the British philosopher who wrote the psychedelic manifesto, The Doors of Perception (from which Jim Morrision would later take name his band). Huxley was at Harvard on a visiting professorship. He urged Leary to form a secret order of LSD-Illuminati, to launch and lead a psychedelic conspiracy to brainwash influential people for human betterment. “That’s how everything of culture and beauty and philosophic freedom has been passed on,” Huxley tells him. “Initiate artists, writers, poets, jazz musicians, elegant courtesans. And they’ll educate the intelligent rich.”

“Soma” became a cultural reality in a variety of hypnotic and narcotizing forms. Drugs became the tecnique of choice for crowd control. For some, psychedelics became gateway drugs to harder drugs such as heroin and methamphetamine. Pharmaceutical soporifics from Ritalin to anti-depressants became the norm for mood and behavior regulation. In the name of “human potential,” consciousness was put to sleep. Psychiatric control of consciousness became an authoritarian imperative.

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” –Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

The counterculture is a conspiracy

The post-1930 promotion and use of cannabis and LSD, was launched from London by the self-described “utopian” circles of followers of the 19th-Century Thomas Huxley—associated with H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Aleister Crowley, and a younger generation including Aldous and Julian Huxley, and George Orwell. The practice of mass-indoctrination in use of cannabis, and LSD, was launched, with a leading role by the British psychological warfare organization known as the London Tavistock Clinic and associated circles. The popularization of cannabinol, LSD, and other strongly psychotropic drugs, including the highly destructive use of Ritalin among primary and secondary students, are intended to replicate the fictional role of “soma” depicted in Aldous Huxley’s cult-novel, Brave New World.

The U.S.A. and Canadian use of these practices was pioneered in Los Angeles, Hollywood, and left-wing circles, and in Canada locations, during the 1930s and 1940s-1950s, through circles associated with Aldous Huxley and with the London Tavistock Clinic and Tavistock Institute. During the post-war decades, this work was promoted through the Department of Defense’s Special Warfare division, including projects such as “Delta Force.” The post-war “Beatniks,” and the orchestrated cult of Elvis Presley, are typical of the pilot-projects used to prepare the way for the “rock-drug-sex youth-counterculture” launched, like a rocket, with the appearance of the “Beatles” on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Marilyn Ferguson wrote her Aquarian Conspiracy manifesto under the
direction of Willis Harman, social policy director of the Stanford Research Institute, as a popular
version of a May 1974 policy study on how to transform the United States into Aldous Huxley’s Brave
New World. The counterculture is a conspiracy at the top, created as a method of social control,
used to drain the United States of its commitment to scientific and technological progress.
That conspiracy goes back to the 1930s, when the British sent Aldous Huxley to the United States as
the case officer for an operation to prepare the United States for the mass dissemination of drugs.
We will take this conspiracy apart step-by-step from its small beginnings with Huxley in California to
the victimization of 15 million Americans today. With ‘The Aquarian Conspiracy’, the British Opium
War against the United States has come out into the open.

The high priest for Britain’s Opium War was Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a
founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee
himself sat on the RIIA council for nearly fifty years, headed the Research Division of British
intelligence throughout World War II, and served as wartime briefing officer of Prime Minister
Winston Churchill. Toynbee’s “theory” of history, expounded in his twenty-volume History of Western
civilization, was that its determining culture has always been the rise and decline of grand imperial dynasties.

Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British
foreign intelligence during World War I and the spiritual grandfather of the Aquarian Conspiracy.
Ferguson accurately sees the counterculture as the realization of what Wells called The Open
Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. The “Open Conspiracy,” Wells wrote, “will appear
first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy
men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the
existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a
mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort
of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving . . . In all sorts of ways they will be
influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.”

What Ferguson left out is that Wells called his conspiracy a “one-world brain” which would function
as ” a police of the mind.” Such books as the Open Conspiracy were for the priesthood itself. But
Wells’s popular writings (Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and so forth), and those of his
proteges Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm), were written
as “mass appeal” organizing documents on behalf of one-world order. Only in the United States are
these “science fiction classics” taught in grade school as attacks against fascism. Under Wells’s tutelage, Huxley was first introduced to Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a product of the cultist circle that developed in Britain from the 1860s under the guiding influence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton — who, it will be recalled, was the colonial minister under Lord Palmerston during the Second Opium War.

In 1937, Huxley was sent to the United States, where he remained throughout the period of World
War II. Through a Los Angeles contact, Jacob Zeitlin, Huxley and pederast Christopher Isherwood
were employed as script writers for MGM, Warner Brothers, and Walt Disney Studios. Hollywood was
already dominated by organized crime elements bankrolled and controlled through London. Joseph
Kennedy was the frontman for a British consortium that created RKO studios, and “Bugsy” Siegel,
the West Coast boss of the Lansky syndicate, was heavily involved in Warner Brothers and MGM.

In effect, Huxley and Isherwood (joined soon afterwards by Thomas Mann and his daughter Elisabeth
Mann Borghese) laid the foundations during the late 1930s and the 1940s for the later LSD culture,
by recruiting a core of “initiates” into the Isis cults that Huxley’s mentors, Bulwer-Lytton, Blavatsky,
and Crowley, had constituted while stationed in India.

LSD: ‘Visitation from the Gods’

“Ironically,” writes Ferguson, “the introduction of major psychedelics like LSD, in the 1960s, was
largely attributable to the Central Intelligence Agency’s investigation into the substances for
possible military use. Experiments on more than eighty college campuses, under various CIA code
names, unintentionally popularized LSD. Thousands of graduate students served as guinea pigs.
Soon they were synthesizing their own ‘acid.’ “The CIA operation was code named MK-Ultra, its result was not unintentional, and it began in 1952, the year Aldous Huxley returned to the United States.

Aldous Huxley began the counterculture subversion of the United States thirty years before its consequences became evident to the public. In 1962, Huxley helped found the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, which became a mecca for hundreds of Americans to engage in weekends of T-Groups and Training Groups modeled on behavior group therapy, for Zen, Hindu, and Buddhist transcendental meditation, and “out of body” experiences through simulated and actual hallucinogenic drugs. As described in the Esalen Institute Newsletter: “Esalen started in the fall of 1962 as a forum to bring together a wide variety of approaches to enhancement of the human potential . . . including experiential sessions involving encounter groups, sensory awakening, gestalt awareness training, related disciplines. Our latest step is to fan out into the community at large, running programs in cooperation with many different institutions, churches, schools, hospitals, and government.”

Several tens of thousands of Americans have passed through Esalen; millions have passed through the programs it has sired throughout the country.

The next leap in Britain’s Aquarian Conspiracy against the United States was the May 1974 report that provided the basis for Ferguson’s work. The report is entitled “Changing Images of Man,” Contract Number URH (489~215O, Policy Research Report No. 414.74, prepared by the Stanford Research Institute Center for the Study of Social Policy, Willis Harman, director. The 319-page mimeographed report was prepared by a team of fourteen researchers and supervised by a panel of twenty-three controllers, including anthropologist Margaret Mead, psychologist B.F. Skinner, Ervin Laszlo of the United Nations, Sir Geoffrey Vickers of British intelligence.

The aim of the study, the authors state, is to change the image of mankind from that of industrial progress to one of “spiritualism.” The study asserts that in our present society, the “image of industrial and technological man” is obsolete and must be “discarded”: “Many of our present images appear to have become dangerously obsolete, however . . . Science, technology, and economics have made possible really significant strides toward achieving such basic human goals as physical safety and security, material comfort and better health. But many of these successes have brought with them problems of being too successful — problems that themselves seem insoluble within the set of societal value-premises that led to their emergence . . . Our highly developed system of technology leads to higher vulnerability and breakdowns. Indeed the range and interconnected impact of societal problems that are now emerging pose a serious threat to our civilization . . . If our predictions of the future prove correct, we can expect the association problems of the trend to become more serious, more universal and to occur more rapidly.”

Therefore, SRI concludes, we must change the industrial-technological image of man fast: “Analysis of the nature of contemporary societal problems leads to the conclusion that . . . the images of man that dominated the last two centuries will be inadequate for the post-industrial era.” The counterculture, New Age of the Aquarian Conspiracy was born:

Who provided the drugs that swamped the anti-war movement and the college campuses of the United States in the late 1960s? The organized crime infrastructure which had set up the Peking Connection for the opium trade in 1928 — provided the same services in the 1960s and 1970s it had provided during Prohibition. This was also the same opium network Huxley had established contact with in Hollywood during the 1930s.

During the 1960s, the Tavistock Clinic fostered the notion that no criteria for sanity exist and that psychedelic “mind-expanding” drugs are valuable tools of psychoanalysis. In 1967, Tavistock sponsored a Conference on the “Dialectics of Liberation,” chaired by Tavistock psychoanalyst Dr. R.D. Laing, himself a popularized author and advocate of drug use. That conference drew a number of people who would soon play a prominent role in fostering terrorism; Angela Davis and Stokely Carmichael were two prominent American delegates.

Thus, by 1963, Huxley had recruited his core of “initiates.” All of them — Leary, Osmund, Watts, Kesey, Alpert — became the highly publicized promoters of the early LSD counterculture. By 1967, with the cult of “Flower People” in Haight-Ashbury and the emergence of the antiwar movement, the United States was ready for the inundation of LSD, hashish and marijuana that hit American college campuses in the late 1960s.

The LSD connection begins with one William “Billy” Mellon Hitchcock. Hitchcock was a graduate of the University of Vienna and a scion of the millionaire Mellon banking family of Pittsburgh. (Andrew Mellon of the same family had been the U.S. Treasury Secretary throughout Prohibition.) In 1963, when Timothy Leary was thrown out of Harvard, Hitchcock rented a fifty-five-room mansion in Millbrook, New York, where the entire Leary-Huxley circle of initiates was housed until its later move back to California.

Esalen Institute is a center for humanistic education, a nonprofit organization devoted to multidisciplinary studies ordinarily neglected by traditional academia. Now in its fifth decade, Esalen offers more than 500 public workshops a year in addition to invitational conferences, residential work-study programs, research initiatives, and internships. Part think-tank for the emerging world culture, part college and lab for transformative practices, and part restorative retreat, Esalen is dedicated to exploring work in the humanities and sciences that furthers the full realization of the human potential.

Esalen Institute was founded by Michael Murphy and Dick Price in 1962 as an alternative educational center devoted to the exploration of what Aldous Huxley called the “human potential,” the world of unrealized human capacities that lies beyond the imagination. Esalen soon became known for its blend of East/West philosophies, its experiential/didactic workshops, the steady influx of philosophers, psychologists, artists, and religious thinkers, and its breathtaking grounds blessed with natural hot springs. Once home to a Native American tribe known as the Esselen, Esalen is situated on 27 acre of spectacular Big Sur coastline with the Santa Lucia Mountains rising sharply behind.
Past Teachers at Esalen Institute

Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Abraham Maslow, Will Schutz, Richard Feynman, Paul Tillich, Arnold J. Toynbee, B.F. Skinner, Stanislav Grof, Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, Carl Rogers, Linus Pauling, Buckminster Fuller, Rollo May, Joseph Campbell, Susan Sontag, Ray Bradbury, George Leonard, J. B. Rhine, Warren Farrell, Ken Kesey, Gary Snyder, Gregory Bateson, John C. Lilly, Carlos Castaneda, Claudio Naranjo, Fritjof Capra, Ansel Adams, John Cage, Babatunde Olatunji, Terence McKenna, Joan Baez, Robert Anton Wilson, Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, Robert Bly, Marion Woodman, Dean Ornish, Matthew Fox, Andrew Harvey, James Hillman, Gabrielle Roth, Rusty Schweickart, Fred Frith, Spalding Gray, Amory Lovins, Albert Hoffman, Bob Dylan, Daniel Sheehan and Sara Nelson of the Christic Institute and many others have taught, performed and/or presented at the Esalen Institute.


~ by ionamiller on December 11, 2009.

2 Responses to “In the Shadow of the Counterculture Revolution”

  1. Treat yourself to a voyage into Dr. Leary’s Exo-Psychology recontextualized

  2. This is right on. I can tell a lot of this material is from LaRouche Pac, which is great. I would also add the influence of the the Frankfurt School. and the advent of the whitecollar society.

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